The EPS Brownbag seminar series is a chance for graduate students to present their work in a casual setting with peers.
Seminar starts at 12 noon every Friday in McCone 365 and will usually last about one hour.
Pizza and pop are provided, but it is preferable that attendees bring their own plates and cups to reduce our usage.

Topics for seminars can include, but are not limited to:
    Research Presentations
    Practice for meetings
    Graduate student issues discussion
    Recipes (culinary or mathematical)
    Picture shows

Please sign up for an open time in the chart below by emailing Rob:
rob (@)

Date Speaker Title/topic Links
9/3/2010 Rob Porritt Life in the field of Geophysics: Morocco Edition
9/10/2010 Kelly Grijalva TBD
9/17/2010 Sarah Knuth
Rob Porritt
Updates on Union contract
Ambient Noise Tomography of Western US

9/24/2010 Julia Hassen
Ramsden Summer Research Fellowship
10/8/2010 Max Rudolph
10/15/2010 Aurelie Guilhem
10/22/2010 Claudia  Jones Metabolic and genomic diversity in a hypersaline lake, and some musings on the GA's funding opportunities for graduate students and graduate student groups
10/29/2010 Scott French
The crust in global waveform tomography: Why it's a problem and what we're doing about it
11/5/2010 Amanda Thomas

11/12/2010 Peter Olds
11/19/2010 Sanne Cottaar Getting a PhD in Horribleness
12/3/2010 Jennifer Frederick Methane hydrates & Topography and fracture driven pore fluid focusing in compacting ocean sediments

  Please note the schedule is volatile and subject to change at the whim of Rob and the presenters.