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Monterey Ocean Bottom Broadband Project

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Network | Equipment | Channels | Station Information
Data access | Reports | Collaborations

The BSL has collaborated with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) in two experiments on ocean-bottom instrumentation:

The MOISE and MOBB deployments are multi-purpose experiments to develop, install, and operate a seafloor observatory. The MOISE experiment was conducted from 6/10/1997 - 9/10/1997 and all equipment was successfully recovered. The MOBB deployment began on 4/12/2002 and is planned as a permanent installation.

Network Codes
BK (also includes the BDSN, NHFN, MPBO)

Typical Station Equipment
Guralp Broadband seismometer
Magnetometer (MOISE only)
Current Meter
Pressure Meter

Typical Recorded Channels
As part of this collaboration, the borehole sites will have two sets of digital data loggers. The table below lists which channels will be recorded and the SEED network and location codes which will be used.

Sensor Channel
Rate (samples/sec)
Guralp broadband BHZ, BHN, BHE 20
Guralp mass position LMZ, LMN, LME 1.25
Temperature LKI, LKO 1.25
Current direction UOD 1/300
Current speed UOS 1/300
Relative pressure UD1 1/300

Station and Channel Information

Data access
Waveform data from the ocean-bottom deployments are available in SEED format, but are not currently distributed using the standard tools such as SeismiQuery and NetDC. The NCEDC is working to to make these data available in the same way as other BK stations; for the moment, interested users are encouraged to request a research account.


MOISE is an international cooperative program among MOBB is a collaboration between

Other useful links
MBARI has considerable information about the MOISE and MOBB deployments available through their Web site:

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Northern California Earthquake Data Center
215 McCone Hall, UC Berkeley
Berkeley CA 94720-4760


Copyright 2002, The Regents of the University of California.
Last modified: Fri Dec 13 09:54:06 PST 2002