EPS 150

A significant portion of your efforts in this class relies on your ability to effectively communicate your knowledge and opinions, both in writing and orally. Of course, we will do our best to help you improve those skills. You will not be able to benefit much from this class, if you attempt to passively digest the material. We will take attendance, as active in-class participation is central to the success of this seminar-style class.

  1. Each student is expected to present and lead the discussion of at least one of the journal articles during the two case studies (1. Tibet and 2. Mars). Presentations should take no more than 20 minutes, and should include a concise summary of the papers, a list of the main points, background material that helps better understand the issues, and questions for subsequent discussion. Presenters also prepare a 1-2 page handout with the main points and a list of questions for follow-up discussion.

  2. Following each week in which papers are being presented, everybody except for the presenters will write a short ~200-word (must be ≤ 220!) abstract about the key issues and papers that were discussed that week.
  3. As your final effort for the course, each student writes a formatted ~4-page (with figures), proposal (must be ≤ 660 words body text) for future research on one of the case study topics.
  4. Be sure to submit all your writing assignments by the deadline.

Your final course grades will be computed as follows:
UC Berkeley Honor Code
“As a member of the UC Berkeley community, I act with honesty, integrity, and respect for others.” The expectation is that you will adhere to this code.
Reviewing and discussing reading materials with fellow students is strongly recommended. However, written assignments are to be completed independently and should be the result of your own independent work. To copy any text or ideas from another source (publications, online resources, other students' work etc.) without appropriate reference is plagiarism and will result in a failing grade for your assignment and usually further disciplinary action.

Harassment/discrimination Resources
"The University of California strives to prevent and respond to harassment and discrimination. Engaging in such behavior may result in removal from class or the University. If you are the subject of harassment or discrimination there are resources available to support you. Please contact the Confidential Care Advocate (sa.berkeley.edu/dean/confidential-care-advocate) for non-judgmental, caring assistance with options, rights and guidance through any process you may choose. Survivors of sexual violence may also want to view the following website: survivorsupport.berkeley.edu.
For more information about how the University responds to harassment and discrimination, please visit the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination website: ophd.berkeley.edu."

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Page last updated August 4, 2016