Please cite:
d'Alessio, M. A., Johanson, I. A., Bürgmann, R., Schmidt, D. A., and M. H. Murray. 2005. Slicing up the San Francisco Bay Area: Block kinematics and fault slip rates from GPS-derived surface velocities. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 110, doi: 10.1029/2004JB003496.

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Here you can download the BAVU 1.01 velocity field in a variety of reference frames.

ITRF2000NNR Reference Frame (Tab deliminated text)
North American Reference Frame (Tab deliminated text)

Velocities Relative to station LUTZ (Tab deliminated text) Stations near Hayward fault only
Relative to station LUTZ (Tab deliminated text) Stations far from Hayward fault only
Relative to station LUTZ (Tab deliminated text) Location of fixed site LUTZ
PDF of Data tables