Envi procedures for InSAR analysis 18 may 2005 by frede and lhsu send questions to lhsu ----------------------------- Making profiles (version 3.6) ----------------------------- 1) enviheader.pl geo_**.unw (make the headerfile) 2) envi (for version 3.6) 3) Load the .unw 4) Open Band 2 (phase) 5) Tools -> Profiles -> Arbitrary -> click left/right/right 6) To figure out the endpoints of the profile: Tools -> Cursor Location Value 7) To go to the same place in a different interf: Tools -> Pixel Locator -> Map Coordinates --------------- For version 3.4 --------------- 2) envi this version 3.4 3) -> open data file open .unw file 4) Load band2 5) (changing the color table) Tools -> color mapping -> Envi color table -> rainbow 6) To make profiles of the phase or magnitude, etc. Tools -> Profiles -> Arbitrary -> a window Spatial profile Tool pop up choose scroll or image depending where you want to draw. click left mouse button to start profile, do not hold, click left to finish and then right mouse button twice to end the profile. The profile should pop up by itself. Then you can save it as an ASCII text file. the profile is data value (phase change in radians) as a function of Location (numbers of pixels) data is zero when you have no data To figure out exactly where your cursor is: Tools -> cursor location value : move the mouse, it gives me where I am and for another interferogram, I can put value in Tools -> Pixel Locator -> Map Coordinates (repeatibility) To save text files: Go to the window with the profile File -> save plot as -> ascii highlight Band 2.... keep the default precision (6 decimal points) choose : to give the file name