Allen CV
Seismo Lab
Earth & Planetary
UC Berkeley

Cascadia Initiative: Leg 3 on the R/V Thomas G Thompson

Video blog prepared by students on the cruise

The R/V Thompson cruise is leg 3 of the Cascadia Initiative’s 2014 at-sea operations. This cruise will recover 20 of the brand new shallow-water instruments specially designed to withstand the harsh shallow-water environment along the continental shelf immediately offshore. The instruments are from the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, who have a team of engineers on board. The JASON submersible provided by the Woods Hole Oceanographical Institution is being used to recover some of the instruments. We will also recover 12 deep water instruments (up to 3 km depth). Two of these instruments need to be “rescued” as they have lost communication with the surface. JASON will dive to search for them at the bottom of the ocean.

Tom Cruise Class members are onboard to provide scientific support to the at-sea operations. These include standing watch, monitoring sea floor mapping and echo sounder equipment, logging JASON dives, coordinating navigation with the bridge, spotting pop-up buoys, scrubbing TRMs and spooling line (by hand …3km at a time).

R/V Thomas G Thompson

Left to right: JASON sub going in, JASON Control Van, Cruise map

Cruise class participants

Name: Richard Allen
Position: Co-Chief Scientist; Professor, UC Berkeley
Research cruise experience: One previous cruise - on the Thompson
Favorite thing on board: JASON Control ...and dessert

Name: Maya Tolstoy
Position: Co-Chief Scientist; Associate Professor, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Research cruise experience: Enjoying my 31st cruise!
Favorite thing on board: The food and the people

Name: Tarini Bhatnagar
Year/Major: 3rd year grad student, Columbia U., Marine Geophysics
Research cruise experience: None!
Favorite thing on board: Eating and the good movie collection

Name: William Hawley
Year/Major: 1st year grad student, Earth and Planetary Science, UC Berkeley
Research cruise experience: None (I once saw a cruise ship from a mountain in Alaska.)
Favorite thing on board: First seeing the data and napping on the rocking bow

Name: Danny Hertel
Year/Major: 3rd year, Geophysics, UC Berkeley
Research cruise experience: None
Favorite thing on board: Showers in rough seas

Name: Chris Jaeger
Year/Major: 3rd year, Geophysics, UC Berkeley
Research cruise experience: None (but I’m seaworthy.)
Favorite thing on board: Spooling 3 Kilometers of rope by hand

Name: Voon Hui Lai
Year/Major: 4th year in Geophysics, UC Berkeley
Research cruise experience: None (does scuba diving count?)
Favorite thing on board: Working at back-deck

Name: Weihan Liu
Year/Major: Incoming senior in Geophysics, UC Berkeley
Research cruise experience: None!
Favorite thing on board: Land

Name: Brenda Luna
Year/Major: 4th year, Geophysics, UC Berkeley
Research cruise experience: None. (I took a ferry once!)
Favorite thing on board: Marine life sightings.

Name: Robert Martin-Short
Year/Major: 4th year, Imperial College London, Geophysics
Research cruise experience: None (Accustomed to luxury cruises, though.)
Favorite thing on board: Washing cables

Name: Una Miller
Year/Major: Junior in Oceanography, University of Washington
Research cruise experience: One month-long cruise and this one
Favorite thing on board: JASON. And the food.

Name: Yen Joe Tan
Year/Major: Incoming Marine Geophysics graduate student, Columbia U.
Research cruise experience: None!
Favorite thing on board: Sleep