Figure 1: location of the MOBB station (yellow star) in Monterey Bay. Blue squares indicate broadband stations of the Berkeley Digital Seismic Network. Red and yellow circles indicate locations of NOAA buoys. Red lines are major faults in the San Francisco Bay Area, and black circles indicate seismicity. Figure 2. Left: Photo of the Guralp CMG-1TD Serial Number T1045 seismometer in the Byerly Vault (BKS), during testing prior to installation on the seafloor. Shown are the various circuit boards on the sides and the top of the sensor package. Three of the nine batteries used by the leveling system are on the left front and the system clock is on the circuit board on the right. The seismometers are in the mu metal shielded container mounted on leveling gimbals in the center. Right: Photo taken after the seismometers were leveled with the base tilted in order to verify the operation of the wide range leveling system. Given the extreme tilt sensitivity of the CMG-1TD's 360 second pendulums, the leveling system is crucial for successful operation on the ocean floor. Note that the central gimbal system containing the seismometers is tilted relative to the outside frame. Figure 3. Titanium pressure vessel containing the MOBB CMG-1 package (with the titanium end cap removed), showing space blanket insulation and space filling urethane foam which was used to inhibit air circulation inside the pressure vessel. The vessel was also purged with dry argon gas which is 37% denser than air and has thermal conduction properties that tend to inhibit convection.