What students say about
"Earthquakes in your backyard"
"This is a very critical topic: All students/future leaders should be required to take this course."
"The class is (1) interesting, it deals with social and economic impacts of earthquakes in addition to the science, (2) relevant, it focuses on our own Hayward Fault and the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, and (3) specific, it covers the topic of earthquakes."
"This is the best physical science breadth requirement I know of."
"This was my favorite class, all the work was challenging but doable."
"The strengths of the class are a clear focus on an interesting topic and really interesting lectures."
"I'm a senior this year, and this class is one of the most superb classes I've taken in my undergraduate education at Cal. It's been a wonderful and extremely informative semester."
"I enjoyed the combination of field trips, guest speakers, films and discussion on current events. Getting multiple perspectives helped in understanding the material."
"The focus on earthquakes in the Berkeley region made me really, really, really care about the material."
"The course is interesting and actually applicable to our lives."