Plate 2 Horizontal sections through the velocity structure of Iceland, ICECRTb, at 10 km depth (a), and 30 km depth (b). There is no zero contour. The mean velocity anomalies havebeen subtracted in each case. At 10 km depth, we see elongate low velocity regions extending along the neovolcanic zones, though there is a gap in the anomaly in the central section of the Northern Neovolcanic Zone corresponding to a region of thin crust. The five main volcanic complexes in terms of activity in historic times are indicated with black circles. The largest anomalies are observed beneath the Hekla and Bardarbunga-Grimsvotn volcanic complexes, while little or no anomaly is seen beneath Katla, Askja and Krafla. At 30 km depth low velocities occur in a single circular anomaly with a diameter of ~150 km beneath central Iceland.
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