Iceland Crustal Model: ICECRTb
3D velocity model (includes velocity variation across the moho)
Download and save the following five files.
extracticecrt.f - fortran77 code to extract velocities
from the model data file (ascii)
sol.ICECRTb.abs - model data file (ascii)
model.cube.ICECRTb.abs - grid info file for the model (ascii)
icecrtin - example input file for extracticecrt (ascii)
icecrtout - output expected for the example input (ascii)
Once you have the files, compile the fortran code and execute it in the same dir
as where you save the model data files. The code takes an input file, see the top
of extracticecrt.f for a description of the necessary input and output. An example
input file (icecrtin) and the expected output (icecrtout) is also included.
Crustal thickness map
The file ICECRTb.mohomap.griddata
contains lat lon and crustal thickness (km) for the box 63 to 67 deg lat, -25 to -13 deg
lon. The grid increment is 0.044943820685148 deg in both lat and lon
directions, there are 267 grid points W-E and 89 N-S.
Note that the crustal thickness is only constrained where there is local surface wave
coverage (see manuscript) which
approximately corresponds to onshore Iceland. Iceland's crustal thickness varies from
~15 km around the coast to 46 km in the center.