program extracticecrt c Code returns the S-velocity structure for the Icelandic crust c given r (radius), theta (lat), and phi (lon). c The velocities are extracted from the ICECRTb S-vel model. c The code also returns a P-velocity which is determined from the S-vel c using a Vp/Vs ratio defined: Vp/Vs = 1.78+0.004.depth. c For more info on the development and resolution of the S-vel model, and c on the origin of the Vp/Vs ratio see Allen et al, Plume driven plumbing c and crustal formation in Iceland, JGR in press 2002. c Richard M Allen ( - May 2002 c INPUT c c You will need the following files: c extracticecrt.f (this file) sol.ICECRTb.abs model.cube.ICECRTb.abs c c Code opens the file "icecrtin" containing a list of r, theta, phi: c 1th line: r, theta, phi c 2th line: r, theta, phi c 3th line: r, theta, phi c etc c OUTPUT c The returned velocity values are written to a file icecrtout. The file contains: c r, theta, phi, P-vel, S-vel c EXAMPLE - input file: icecrtin c 6371.00 64.70 -20.00 c 6366.00 64.70 -20.00 c 6361.00 64.70 -20.00 c 6356.00 64.70 -20.00 c 6351.00 64.70 -20.00 c 6346.00 64.70 -20.00 c 6341.00 64.70 -20.00 c 6336.00 64.70 -20.00 c 6331.00 64.70 -20.00 c c EXAMPLE - output file: icecrtout c r theta phi Vp Vs c 6371. 64.7 -20. 3.9540639 2.22138425 c 6366. 64.7 -20. 5.82956455 3.23864702 c 6361. 64.7 -20. 6.48264273 3.56189166 c 6356. 64.7 -20. 6.82676614 3.71019904 c 6351. 64.7 -20. 7.08961967 3.81162353 c 6346. 64.7 -20. 7.23998113 3.85105384 c 6341. 64.7 -20. 7.61496239 4.00787499 c 6336. 64.7 -20. 7.90348531 4.11639865 c 6331. 64.7 -20. 8.03936154 4.14400084 implicit none character*40 mc,ms double precision torad,r,th,ph,rth,rph,pvs,pvp,prho logical infile write(*,*) write(*,*)'EXTRACTICECRT: ' write(*,*)' will extract Vs from the ICECRTb vel model' write(*,*)' and return Vp using Vs and Vp/Vs = 1.78+0.004.depth' write(*,*) ccc initialize mc='model.cube.ICECRTb.abs' ms='sol.ICECRTb.abs' torad=3.141592654/180. c ccc check all necessary files are present c infile=.FALSE. inquire(file='icecrtin',exist=infile) if (infile) then write(*,*)'found: icecrtin' else write(*,*)'ERROR: can not find: icecrtin' stop endif infile=.FALSE. inquire(file=ms,exist=infile) if (infile) then write(*,*)'found: ',ms else write(*,*)'ERROR: can not find: ',ms stop endif infile=.FALSE. inquire(file=mc,exist=infile) if (infile) then write(*,*)'found: ',mc else write(*,*)'ERROR: can not find: ',mc stop endif write(*,*)'found all necessary input files, continuing...' write(*,*) c ccc read in the velocity model c call read_icecrust_model(ms,mc) write(*,*)'read in the model solution, continuing...' write(*,*) c ccc open input file c open(unit=1, file='icecrtin',status='old') c ccc loop over all input r, theta, phi c write(*,*)'looping through r, theta, phi in icecrtin' open(2,file='icecrtout') write(2,*)'r theta phi Vp Vs' write(*,*)'r theta phi Vp Vs' 100 read(1,*,end=200)r,th,ph rth = th*torad rph = ph*torad call get_icecrust(r,rth,rph,pvs,pvp,prho) write(2,*) r,th,ph,pvp,pvs write(*,*) r,th,ph,pvp,pvs goto 100 200 continue close(1) close(2) write(*,*)'end of icecrtin file' write(*,*) write(*,*)'output vel is file icecrtout: r theta phi Vp Vs' write(*,*) end c-------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine read_icecrust_model(argv,argc) c reads Iceland crustal velocity models into common block for later use implicit none integer MAXCMOD parameter (MAXCMOD=1000000) integer ncvs,i character*40 argv,argc double precision cvs(MAXCMOD),torad integer nsq,nxy,nz,ny,nx double precision ola,olo,oazi,zmin,zmax,ymin,ymax,xmin,xmax double precision dz,dy,dx common/model_icecrust/ncvs,cvs common/crtgrid/ola,olo,oazi,nsq,nxy,nz,ny,nx, & zmin,zmax,ymin,ymax,xmin,xmax,dz,dy,dx torad=3.141592654/180. c read Vs c argv='sol.ICECRTb.abs' open(unit=10,file=argv,status='old') read(10,*) ncvs if ( then stop 'ERROR:read_icecrust_model: increase MAXCMOD' endif read(10,*) (cvs(i),i=1,ncvs) close(10) c read model cube c argc='model.cube.ICECRTb.abs' open(unit=10,file=argc,status='old') read(10,*) ola,olo,oazi,nz,ny,nx, & zmin,zmax,ymin,ymax,xmin,xmax,dz,dy,dx close(10) nxy = nx*ny nsq = nxy*nz ola = ola*torad olo = olo*torad oazi = oazi*torad if (ncvs .lt. nsq) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: ncvs solution doesnt have enough points!' endif return end subroutine read_icecrust_model c-------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine get_icecrust(radius,theta,phi,vs,vp,rho) c given r,theta(co-lat),phi, code obtains corresponding ICECRTb.abs Vs c if it is a crustal velocity then it is returned, otherwise 0. c is returned for Vs. NB sub returns ABSLOUTE Vs, Vp and rho. c Vp is obtained using Vp/Vs = 1.78+0.004.depth c rho is obtained from Vp using the relations from Darbyshire 2000 c This is intended to overlay the crustal velocities over the ICEMAN c models implicit none c include "constants.h" double precision SCALE_ALPHA,SCALE_RHO parameter(SCALE_ALPHA=0.55d0,SCALE_RHO=0.4d0) double precision radius,theta,phi,vs,vp,rho double precision x,y,z,pq(100),ptheta,pphi,depth double precision prop real realrad,iaspivp,iaspivs,iaspirho integer nq,iq(100),i,l logical out,smooth integer MAXCMOD parameter (MAXCMOD=1000000) integer ncvs double precision cvs(MAXCMOD) common/model_icecrust/ncvs,cvs vp = 0. vs = 0. rho = 0. smooth=.FALSE. call rotatecrt(0,theta,phi,ptheta,pphi) c write(*,*)'th,ph,th,ph: ',theta,phi,ptheta,pphi call rtfxyzcrt(0,ptheta,pphi,radius,x,y,z) c ccc get velocity call getccrt(x,y,z,nq,iq,pq,out) if (out) then c write(*,*) 'outside box' return endif c write(*,*)'iq: ',(iq(i),i=1,nq) c write(*,*)'pq: ',(pq(i),i=1,nq) do i=1,nq vs = vs + pq(i)*cvs(iq(i)) enddo c write(*,*)'vs: ',vs ccc estimate vp depth = 6371.-radius vp = vs*(1.78+(0.004*depth)) ccc estiate rho (after Darbyshire 2000) if (vp.le.4.5) then rho = 1000*(-0.6997+(2.2302*vp)-(0.598*(vp**2.)) & +(0.07036*(vp**3.))-(0.0028311*(vp**4.))) else if ( .AND. vp.le.6.6) then rho = 1000*(3.81-(6.0/vp)) else if ( then rho = 1000*(5.23-(15.38/vp)) endif c write(*,*) radius,vp,vs,rho return end subroutine get_icecrust c---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine rotatecrt(mode,tetain,fiin,tetaout,fiout) c Rotates between convensional (on the map) lat lon and the 'new' coords c used in the code, ie relative to a defined origin. c Origin of 'new' coords (ola olo) passed through common block c mode 0, rotate from conventional to new c mode 1, rotate from new to conventional integer mode double precision tetain,fiin,tetaout,fiout double precision ang1,ang2,ct,st,cf,sf,ca,sa,co,so,som double precision fdiff,sfo,cfo,teller,rnoemer,azimuth integer nsq,nxy,nz,ny,nx double precision ola,olo,oazi,zmin,zmax,ymin,ymax,xmin,xmax double precision dz,dy,dx common/crtgrid/ola,olo,oazi,nsq,nxy,nz,ny,nx, & zmin,zmax,ymin,ymax,xmin,xmax,dz,dy,dx if (mode == 0) then ang1 = olo ang2 = oazi else if (mode == 1) then ang2 = olo ang1 = oazi else tetaout = tetain fiout = fiin mode = -1 return endif ct = cos(tetain) st = sin(tetain) cf = cos(fiin) sf = sin(fiin) ca = cos(ola) sa = sin(ola) co = cos(ang1) so = sin(ang1) som = ct*ca*(cf*co + sf*so) + st*sa tetaout = asin(som) fdiff = fiin - ang1 sfo = sin(fdiff) cfo = cos(fdiff) teller = ct*sfo rnoemer = st*ca - ct*sa*cfo azimuth = atan2(teller,rnoemer) fiout = ang2 - azimuth return end c---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine rtfxyzcrt(mode,teta,fi,r,x,y,z) c Code to convert from the rotated ('new') coords ie relative to c defined origin, to x,y,z c teta = latitude, fi = longitude, relative to new (rotated) c northpole and equator. r = distance from Earth's center (0,0,0). c if mode=0 r,teta,fi --> x,y,z - if r km, x,y,z will be in km c if mode=1 x,y,z --> r,teta,fi implicit none integer mode double precision teta,fi,r,x,y,z double precision ct,x2,y2,z2 if (mode == 0) then ct = cos(teta) x = r*ct*cos(fi) y = r*ct*sin(fi) z = r*sin(teta) elseif (mode == 1) then x2 = x*x y2 = y*y z2 = z*z r = sqrt(x2 + y2 + z2) fi = atan2(y,x) teta = atan2(z,sqrt(x2 + y2)) else x=0;y=0;z=0 r=0;teta=0;fi=0 mode=-1 endif return end subroutine rtfxyzcrt c---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine getccrt(xp,yp,zp,np,i,f,out) c routine to associate grid points around some point c passed from above: c xp,yp,zp - coords of point of interest c obtained here: c np - number of grid points associated c i(np) - grid indices of these grid points c f(np) - weights of grid points, based on distance from point c number of points depends on smoothing c out - logical - if returned true then poind outside grid c xyz grid counts from top layer, node 1 is at xmin,ymax and c node nx is at xmax,ymax. node nx+1 is at xmin,ymax-1, etc. till c node nx*ny. Next node is at z-1, xmin,ymax, etc. implicit none integer maxpt parameter (maxpt=8) integer np,l,i(maxpt) double precision f(maxpt),xp,yp,zp,x0,y0,z0 logical out integer nsq,nxy,nz,ny,nx double precision ola,olo,oazi,zmin,zmax,ymin,ymax,xmin,xmax double precision dz,dy,dx common/crtgrid/ola,olo,oazi,nsq,nxy,nz,ny,nx, & zmin,zmax,ymin,ymax,xmin,xmax,dz,dy,dx np = 0 do l = 1,maxpt i(l) = 0; f(l) = 0. enddo x0 = xp y0 = yp z0 = zp c check if x,y,z, is inside square grid: if not return out = .false. if (x0 .lt. xmin .or. x0 .gt. xmax .or. y0 .lt. ymin .or. & y0 .gt. ymax .or. z0 .lt. zmin .or. z0 .gt. zmax) then out = .true. return endif call trilincrt(x0,y0,z0,np,i,f) c write(*,*)'i: ',(i(l),l=1,8) c write(*,*)'f: ',(f(l),l=1,8) return end subroutine getccrt c------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine trilincrt(xq,yq,zq,n8,i8,f8) implicit none integer maxpt parameter (maxpt=8) integer n8,i8(maxpt),ixmn,ixmx,iymn,iymx,izmn,izmx,lub double precision f8(maxpt),xq,yq,zq double precision xdist,ydist,zdist,x,y,z,xy,xz,yz,xyz integer nsq,nxy,nz,ny,nx double precision ola,olo,oazi,zmin,zmax,ymin,ymax,xmin,xmax double precision dz,dy,dx common/crtgrid/ola,olo,oazi,nsq,nxy,nz,ny,nx, & zmin,zmax,ymin,ymax,xmin,xmax,dz,dy,dx n8 = 8 xdist = (xq - xmin)/dx ydist = (ymax - yq)/dy zdist = (zmax - zq)/dz c coordinates of upper left back corner: ixmn = int(xdist) + 1 ixmx = ixmn + 1 if (ixmn == nx) then ixmx = ixmn; ixmn = ixmx - 1 endif iymn = int(ydist) + 1 iymx = iymn + 1 if (iymn == ny) then iymx = iymn; iymn = iymx - 1 endif izmn = int(zdist) + 1 izmx = izmn + 1 if (izmn == nz) then izmx = izmn; izmn = izmx - 1 endif lub = (izmn-1)*nxy + (iymn-1)*nx + ixmn i8(1) = lub i8(2) = lub + 1 i8(3) = lub + nx i8(4) = i8(3) + 1 i8(5) = lub + nxy i8(6) = i8(5) + 1 i8(7) = i8(5) + nx i8(8) = i8(7) + 1 c relative distance of point to 3 sides of cell: x = xdist - (ixmn-1) y = (iymx-1) - ydist z = (izmx-1) - zdist xy = x*y xz = x*z yz = y*z xyz = xy*z f8(1) = yz - xyz f8(2) = xyz f8(3) = z - yz - xz + xyz f8(4) = xz - xyz f8(5) = y - xy - yz + xyz f8(6) = xy - xyz f8(7) = 1 - x - y - z + xy + yz + xz - xyz f8(8) = x - xy - xz + xyz c # 1 cube: c # c # 1________2 c # / /| c # 3/______4/ | c # | |_____|_|6 c # |/5 |/ c # 7/_______/8 c # c # c # the index of a node: i = (iz-1)*nx*ny + (iy-1)*nx + ix return end