San Gabriel Fault Thin Sections

The following thin sections come from the western portion of the San Gabriel fault along two transects perpendicular to the fault surface. Slip is concentrated within a 4 - 7 cm wide gouge zone at the point where both transects intersect the fault. The two transects are about 100 m apart along fault strike. This page includes characteristic images of the thin sections taken at two different scales (see scale bars). Click on an image to view a full size version. 1 mm scale images are taken under crossed polarizers and the 0.2 mm scale images are taken under polarized light.
Transect 8B-1 Transect 8E-1


Josephine Granodiorite
1 - 15 cm from fault


Josephine Granodiorite
1 - 15 cm from fault


Mendenhall Gneiss
0 - 4 cm from fault


Josephine Granodiorite
30 - 45 cm from fault


Josephine Granodiorite
8 - 10 m from fault


Josephine Granodiorite
67 m from fault