DNA10-S Download and README


The model is provided on a regular grid as an ascii file. Included in the compressed tar file are also README files, color pallets and a run script to view the model with the KeckCaves 3DVisualizer software.

The following README is included:

            DNA10 - S-velocity model of the western US constrained by surface and body waves

            Archive available from http://dna.berkeley.edu
            Questions or problems: email Richard Allen - rallen@berkeley.edu
            This model is described in Obrebski, M., R.M. Allen, F. Pollitz, S.-H. Hung. in prep


            Content of this download archive

              - this file
              - contains the S-vel model on a regular radius, lat, long grid
              - columns are: radius(km) lat(deg) lon(deg) DNA10-S(% Vs anomaly)
              - plot of the region covered by the model and the station coverage
              - script to run the 3DVisualizer code with included model
            vel2.pal vel3.pal vel4.pal 
              - color pallets for 3DVisualizer with +/- 2%, 3% and 4%
              - some (very simple) instructions to get started with the 3DVisualizer

            DNA10-S.grid - the model file

            The S-vel model is provided on a regular grid.
            Columns are: radius(km) lat(deg) lon(deg) DNA10-S(% Vs anomaly)

            Model grid:
              30 deg N to 50 deg N with 0.2 deg node spacing = 101 nodes
              126 deg W to 98 deg W with 0.2 deg node spacing = 141 nodes
              5370 km to 6370 km radius, ie 0 to 1000 km depth, with 25 km spacing = 41 nodes
              grid starts at 5370.00 30.00 -126.00 ie bottom south west corner
              first scans through longitude to bottom south east corner
              then scans with increasing lattitude
              then scans with increasing radius
              last grid point is  6370.00  50.00 -98.00 ie the sop north east corner

            3DVisualizer - visualization software provided by UC Davis KeckCaves (free)

            This model file can be read the 3DVisualizer.  A run script and color pallets are provided.

            The 3DVisualizer software is available from: http://keckcaves.ucdavis.edu
            It runs on a Mac or Linuz box, is easy to install and use.

            Quick start steps to view model in 3DVisualizer - see README.3DVisQuickStart
            (See 3DVisualizer manual from KeckCaves for more information)