2017 Summer Poster Sessions

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Poster session are organised roughly alphabetically with the presenters with names in the first half of the alphabet presenting in the first week and those in the second half presenting in the second week. The schedule is as follows:


June 28th

Quentin Bletery

Jonathan Delph

Katherine Fornash

Agnes Kiraly

Yuval Boneh

Samantha Carruthers

Kimberly DeGrandpre

Jessica Domino

Melody Eimer

Owen Evans

Wenyuan Fan

Tithi Ghosh

Meghan Guild

Kayleigh Harvey

Kirstie Haynie

Yi Hu

Yan Hu

Helen Janiszewski

Alissa Kotowski

Kevin Kwong

July 5th

Samer Naif

Baptiste Rousset

Kei Shimizu

Foteini Vervelidou

Teo Zincone

Emerson Lynch

Anna Makushkina

Kimberly A McCormack

Kate Metcalf

Michelle Muth

Benjamin Parks

Jonathan Perry-Houts

Noah Phillips

Daniel Evan Portner

Xiaofei Pu

Dan Rasmussen

Barbara Ratschbacher

Emily Schottenfels

Caroline Seyler

Yan Joe

Xinyue Tong

Iris van Zelst