2015 summer Program Tutorials

Revision as of 04:14, 6 July 2015 by Laurent.Montesi (Talk | contribs)
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In this tutorial, we will conduct simple basic convection models that are used to learn about the physics of mantle convection. We will be using the FInite Element code ASPECT [1], developed by CIG [2]. You should have downloaded a virtual machine that contains the code before coming to CIDER (certainly before the tutorial!). We will work on installing the virtual machine, study the code, its input file, and how to visualize the results. We will work together to construct the relation between Rayleigh number and Nusselt number (I will explain what that means) for different grid resolutions.

The specific tutorial objectives are

  > Understand better numerical modeling
  > Learn basic use of the ASPECT code
     >>Command line operations
     >>Equations for mantle convection 
  > Edit parameters for an ASPECT simulation
     >>Boundary conditions
     >>Grid refinement
  > Visualize ASPECT output using Paraview
  > Analyze ASPECT simulation results
  > Document the Nusselt-Rayleigh number relation
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