Where in the World is the Berkeley Active Tectonics Group?
While focusing on tectonic problems close to home in California, our interests extend world-wide.

Hilina Faults, HawaiiBhuj Earthquake, India

Below you will find a list of our group research projects, both past and present, organized by the problem each project is attempting to address. Please note that many of our projects should probably be listed in multiple categories because they address several interconnected issues. While that makes organizing and browsing this web page more difficult, it makes the research more exciting!

 For a general introduction to the tools and methods we use in our research, visit our Education Page.

Active Projects

Studying The Earthquake Cycle: Observations and Modeling
The Earthquake: Coseismic Deformation
Izmit & Duzce (Turkey) Earthquakes, 1999
Coseismic and postseismic deformation data and dislocation model parameters of the August 17, 1999 Izmit earthquake and the November 12, 1999 Duzce earthquake
Roland Bürgmann
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< Afterslip from Izmit Movie >

Bhuj (India) Earthquake, 2001
2001 Bhuj Earthquake: Source Parameters from Satellite Imagery and InSAR
Vineet Gahalaut, David Schmidt, Wren Montgomery, Roland Bürgmann
< Overview
< More Detail-InSAR >

Southern California
Time-dependent depth distribution of aftershocks
Frederique Rolandone, Bob Nadeau, Andy Freed, Roland Bürgmann
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After the Earthquake: Postseismic Deformation
1992 Landers and 1999 Hector Mine Earthquakes (Mojave Desert, California)
Postseismic response to the Landers and Hector Mine Earthquakes
Andy Freed
< Overview

1992 Landers and 1999 Hector Mine Earthquakes (Mojave Desert, California)
Earthquake Triggering
Andy Freed
< Overview

Long-term Strain Accumulation: Interseismic Deformation and Aseismic Creep
San Andreas fault, California
Creep and Strain Accumulation
Ingrid Johanson, Roland Bürgmann
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San Francisco Bay Area, California
Bay Area Velocity Unification
Matthew d'Alessio, Ingrid Johanson, Dennise Templeton, Mark Murray, Roland Bürgmann
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Hayward fault, northern California
Strain Accumulation along the Hayward fault
David Schmidt, Matthew d'Alessio, Roland Bürgmann
< Overview

Adriatic Region, Mediterranean Sea, Europe
Active Tectonics of the Adriatic
Maurizio Battaglia, Mark H. Murray, Roland Bürgmann
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Central San Andreas fault, California
Detecting Transient Deformation using InSAR
Ingrid Johanson, Roland Bürgmann
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Volcano Deformation
Long Valley Caldera, southern California
Unrest at Large Quaternary Silicic Calderas
Maurizio Battaglia, Michael Manga, Roland Bürgmann
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Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
Active Deformation on the South Flank of Kilauea Volcano
Eric Cannon (U. Colorado), Matthew d'Alessio, Roland Bürgmann
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Fault Geometry and Structure
Sierra Nevada Mountains, California
Fault Geometry: Origins and Mechanics
Matthew d'Alessio, Stephen Martel (U. Hawaii)
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At the Juncture of the Calaveras and San Andreas faults, northern California
Fault Structure and Kinematics From Characteristically Repeating Earthquakes
Dennise Templeton, Robert Nadeau, Roland Bürgmann 
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Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
Paleoseismic Analysis of the South Flank of Kilauea Volcano
Eric Cannon, Roland Bürgmann
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Frictional Properties of Faults
Hayward fault, northern California
Rate and State Friction on Natural Faults: Stress Interactions Between the Hayward fault and the Loma Prieta Earthquake
David Schmidt
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San Gabriel fault, southern California
Searching for Frictional Heat with Fission Track Thermochronology
Matthew d'Alessio, Ann Blythe (USC), Roland Bürgmann
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Active Deformation from Non-Tectonic Processes
Santa Clara Valley, California
Aquifer Recharge and Extraction from InSAR Observations
David Schmidt, Roland Bürgmann
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