Other related pages and images at this site...
Eruption96 page: includes photos and an account of the 96 eruption on Iceland
Project HOTSPOT: Overview and instalation project goals, maps and photos of the installation
Project HOTSPOT:
Comparison of HOTSPOT and GSN data quality

Click here for a high resolution postscript copy of the above figure (1.5 Mb).
Noise from ocean waves often dominates the seismograms of the HOTSPOT
network. To reduce the noise, permanent seismic stations are often installed
in specially constructed vaults, or even boreholes.
We did not have that option for HOTSPOT. However, most of our stations do very
well in suppressing noise thanks to a careful selection of station
locations, which are all in direct contact on bedrock. As an example,
we show here the records of the three hotspot stations closest to the
borehole station BORG, which is part of the Global Seismograph Network.
As is evident, the noise level in the HOTSPOT stations is similar to that at BORG. All of the major seismic phases (indicated by letters) are
visible in the HOTSPOT stations as well as in the BORG record. The data is from the July 20, 1996 event in the Aegean (magnitude 6.2 (Ms), epicentral distance of 39 degrees).
Other examples of the data quality.
You can view the images on your browser or click on 'postscript' to download a high resolution postscript image. All data is from the same July 20, 1996 event.
Seismograms: horizontal components
Radial component, H01, H02, H05 and BORG. (postscript 1.5 Mb)
Transverse component, H01, H02, H05 and BORG. (postscript 1.5 Mb)
Amplitude spectra
Vertical component, H01, H02, H05 and BORG. (postscript 1 Mb)
Radial component, H01, H02, H05 and BORG. (postscript 1 Mb)
Transverse component, H01, H02, H05 and BORG. (postscript 1 Mb)
Comparison plots, H05 and BORG plotted on top of one another, Z, R and T components. (postscript 1 Mb)
last updated 8/5/1997 - RMA
© Richard M Allen
This page is maintained by Richard M Allen,
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