The Department of Earth and Planetary Science at UC Berkeley maintains a laboratory dedicated to the study of preferred orientation (texture) and anisotropy of polycrystalline materials. Various aspects are measurements, data analysis and interpretation. Applications include rocks, metals, polycrystalline films, ceramics, superconductors, biological specimens (bones, shells). The facilities (x-ray diffraction, EBSD-SEM) are available to outside users as demand permits. A nominal fee is charged to offset maintenance costs. We also do limited experiments for outsiders. Software of x-ray pole figure analysis and ODF calculation (BEARTEX) is available. Software for texture analysis with the Rietveld method from synchrotron diffraction images and neutron diffraction spectra has been developed in collaboration with Luca Lutterotti and Siegfried Matthies can be downloaded from the web (MAUD). Software for individual orientation measurements by EBSD (SEMTEX and MAPTEX) is also available. We frequently host visitors engaged in collaborative projects.
Hans-Rudolf Wenk
Dept. Geology and Geophysics
U.C. Berkeley CA 94720
Last Edited �7/12/2023