2017 Summer Program Agenda
CIDER 2017 Summer Program “Subduction Zone Dynamics"
- Lecturers are requested to upload their slides on the CIDER wiki on the day of their lecture, or as soon as possible thereafter.
- All CIDER lectures and most tutorials will be held in the Banatao Auditorium at Sutardja Dai Hall
except tuesday June 27th, thursday June 29th and monday July 3rd, when they will be held in McCone Hall room 365.
- Campus maps: labelled and searchable
Summer Program Participants (at CIDER main site)
Sunday, June 25
▪ 4:00 to 5:30 pm Icebreaker and Registration, | McCone Hall courtyard (on the southside of McCone Hall, by the Sabre Tooth Tiger)
If you miss the Icebreaker or arrive at a later date, Goldie will handle your registration individually. Cash for registration fees is not necessary as fees should have been taken in advance.
Monday, June 26
▪ 8:30am -‐- 9:00am: Introduction to CIDER – Bruce Buffett | Download slides and | video
▪ and ................ Introduction to the 2017 CIDER Summer Program - Doug Wiens
▪ 9:00 am -‐- 10:30 am: Broad geophysical overview of subduction zones – Peter van Keken | Download slides and | video
▪ 10:30 am --- 11:00 am: Coffee Break
▪ 11:00am --- 12:30pm: Seismology 1:Introduction to subduction seismology - Doug Wiens | Download slides and | video
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 2:00pm --- 3:30pm: Geochemistry 1: Broad geochemical overview of subduction zones - Christy Till | Download slides and | video
▪ 3:30 pm --- 4:00 pm: Coffee Break
▪ 4:00 pm --- 5:30pm: Tutorial Preparation - Installation of software and tools (virtual box)
Tuesday, June 27
▪ 9:00am-10:30am: Geodynamics 1: Subduction zone dynamics and global mantle flow (Thorsten Becker) | Download slides and | video
▪ 10:30 am --- 11:00 am: Coffee Break and group photo (Banatao steps)
▪ 11:00am - 12:30pm: Geology 1: What we know about subduction zones from the rock record (Sarah Penniston-Dorland) | Download slides and | video
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 2:00pm-3:30pm: Geology Tutorial 1: Looking at rocks from subduction zones (Sarah Penniston-Dorland, Christy Till, Adam Kent) - Exceptionally in McCone Hall 365 | Download instructions and materials
▪ 3:30 pm --- 4:00 pm: Coffee Break
▪ 4:00pm -4:50pm: Research talk
- One step forward, two steps back: thoughts on the formation of flat slabs (Magali Billen) (40mn +10mn for questions) | Download slides
▪ 5:00pm (sharp) - Bus pick up for Tilden Park Barbecue (in front of Hearst Mining Memorial Building map)
▪ 5:30pm-8:30pm: Group Barbecue - Tilden Park, Mineral Springs Picnic Area map
▪ 8:00pm (sharp) - Bus pick up at Tilden Park, drop off at 2415 Bowditch Street at 8:30 pm
Wednesday, June 28
▪ 9:00am-10:30am: Seismology 2: Seismic imaging (Brandon Schmandt) | Download slides and | video
▪ 10:30 am --- 11:00 am: Coffee Break
▪ 11:00am-12:30pm: Geochemistry 2: Formation of volcanic arcs (Adam Kent) | Download slides and | video
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 2:00pm-3:30pm: Seismology Tutorial 1: Seismic imaging (Brandon Schmandt) | Download instructions and materials
▪ 3:30 pm --- 4:00 pm: Coffee Break
▪ 4:00pm-5:30pm: Poster Session - attendees in first half of alphabet presenting (list)
Thursday, June 29
▪ 9:00am -10:30am: Geodynamics 2: Thermal structure of subduction zones (Peter van Keken) | Download slides and | video
▪ 10:30 am --- 11:00 am: Coffee Break
▪ 11:00am-12:30pm: Rheology 1: Rheology (Phil Skemer) | Download slides and | video
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 2:00pm -3:30pm: Rheology Tutorial 1: Deformation experiments (Phil Skemer) - Exceptionally in McCone Hall 365 | Download instructions and materials
▪ 3:30 pm --- 4:00 pm: Coffee Break
▪ 4:00pm-5:30pm: Research talks
- 4:00pm-4:20pm: "Deep earthquakes — events at the deep end of subduction zones" (Zhongwen Zhan) Download slides
- 4:20pm-4:30pm: Discussion
- 4:30pm-4:50pm: The Quest for Entrained Crust during Subduction/Collision (Wang Ping Chen) Download slides
- 4:50pm-5:00pm: Discussion
Friday, June 30
▪ 9:00am - 10:30pm: Geochemistry 4: Volatiles in subduction zones(Paul Wallace) | Download slides and | video
▪ 10:30am - 11:00 am : Coffee break
▪ 11:00am-12:30pm: Seismology 3: Imaging arcs and slabs (Geoff Abers) | Download slides and | video
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 2:00pm-3:30pm: Geochemistry Tutorial 1: Volcano degassing (Tobias Fischer) | Download instructions and materials
▪ 3:30 pm --- 4:00 pm: Coffee Break
▪ 4:00pm-5:30pm: First discussion of research group ideas
▪ 5:30pm-8:30pm: Clark Kerr Group Dinner (map)
Saturday, July 1
▪ Field trip
Sunday July 2
Free day!
Monday, July 3
▪ 9:00am -10:30am: Geophysics 1: GPS and seismic slip (Jeff Freymueller) | Download slides and | video
▪ 10:30 am --- 11:00 am: Coffee Break
▪ 11:00am-12:30pm: Rheology 2: Rheology (Uli Faul) | Download slides and | video
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 2:00pm-3:30pm: Geodynamics tutorial 2: Analgoue models of subduction (Claudio Faccenna) - Exceptionally in McCone Hall 365 | Download instructions and materials
▪ 3:30 pm --- 4:00 pm: Coffee Break
▪ 4:00pm -5:30pm: Research group discussions
Tuesday, July 4
▪ Holiday
▪ 5:30-8:30PM: Campanile Esplanade Barbecue (map)
Wednesday, July 5
▪ 9:00am-10:30am: Seismology 4: Megathrust earthquakes (Susan Schwartz) | Download slides and | video
▪ 10:30 am --- 11:00 am: Coffee Break
▪ 11:00am - 12:30pm: Rheology 3: Observations from natural samples (Jessica Warren) | Download slides and | video
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 2:00pm-3:30pm: Geophysics tutorial 1: GPS and deformation (Jeff Freymueller) | Download instructions and materials
▪ 3:30 pm --- 4:00 pm: Coffee Break
▪ 4:00pm -5:30pm: Poster Session - attendees in second half of alphabet presenting (list)
Thursday, July 6
▪ 9:00am-10:30am: Geochemistry 5: Slab dehydration and mantle magma genesis at subduction zones (Christy Till) | Download slides and | video
▪ 10:30 am --- 11:00 am: Coffee Break
▪ 11:00am - 12:30pm: Geophysics 2: Electromagnetic imaging of subduction zones (Kerry Key) | Download slides and | video
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 2:00pm-3:30pm: Geochemistry tutorial 2: Thermobarometry and geochemical databases (Christy Till, Adam Kent, Paul Wallace) | Download instructions and materials
▪ 3:30 pm --- 4:00 pm: Coffee Break
▪ 4:00pm -5:30pm: Research talks
- 4:00pm-4:20pm: The Stretchy slab (Caroline Eakin) | Download slides
- 4:20pm-4:30pm: Discussion
- 4:30pm-4:50pm: Forearc mass balance and slab dynamics: an example from Tohoku Japan (Christine Regalla) | Download slides
- 4:50pm-5:00pm: Discussion
▪ 5:30-8:30pm: Dinner at Faculty Club (map)
Friday, July 7
▪ 9:00am-10:30am: Geochemistry 6: Mantle isotopes (Matt Jackson) | Download slides and | video
▪ 10:30 am --- 11:00 am: Coffee Break
▪ 11:00am - 12:30pm: Seismology 5: Active source seismic imaging of subduction zones (Donna Shillington) | Download slides and | video
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 2:00pm-3:30pm: Geodynamics tutorial 2: TerraFERMA modeling of subduction zone thermal structure (Cian Wilson and Peter van Keken) | Download instructions (materials are available on thumb drives)
▪ 3:30 pm --- 4:00 pm: Coffee Break
▪ 4:00pm -5:30pm: Finalizing research group projects
Saturday, July 8
▪ 9:00am-10:30am: Geophysics 3: Volcano deformation and magmatic systems (Matt Pritchard) | Download slides and | video
▪ 10:30 am --- 11:00 am: Coffee Break
▪ 11:00am - 12:30pm: Wrap-up: Future of subduction zone research - | The SZ4D Initiative (Terry Plank) | Download slides and | video
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
Monday, July 10
▪ 9:00am --- 9:30 am: Plenary meeting in Banatao Auditorium
- distribution of space for research groups and office space for senior participants
▪ 10:00 am - 12:30 pm: research groups meet and get organized
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm : research groups meet
▪ 4:00 pm --- 4:30 pm: Coffee Break on 5th floor balcony, McCone Hall
▪ 4:30 pm --- 5:30 pm: Research talks in 575 McCone Hall
- 4:30pm-4:50pm: Subduction dynamics and the upper plate Archean v. Modern (Louis Moresi) Download slides
- 4:50pm-5:00pm: Discussion
- 5:00pm-5:20pm: Back to the surface - looking at subduction zones with InSAR (Rowena Lohman) Download slides
- 5:20pm-5:30pm: Discussion
Tuesday, July 11
▪ 9:30pm --- 11:30 pm: GeoMapApp Webinar (Banatao lecture theatre -Sutardja Dai Hall) outline and video link (login required)
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 4:00 pm --- 4:30 pm: Coffee Break
▪ 4:30 pm --- 5:30 pm: Research talks in 575 McCone Hall
- 4:30pm-4:50pm: Structure of the incoming incoming plate: implications for quantifying hydration? (Jim Gaherty) Download slides
- 4:50pm-5:00pm: Discussion
- 5:00pm-5:20pm: Flat slab seismicity: clues to the subduction zone water cycle (Lara Wagner) Download slides
- 5:20pm-5:30pm: Discussion
▪ 5:30-8:30pm: Campanile Esplanade Barbecue (map)
Wednesday, July 12
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 4:00 pm --- 4:30 pm: Coffee Break
▪ 4:30 pm --- 5:30 pm: Update on research group activities 575 McCone Hall
Thursday, July 13
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 4:00 pm --- 4:30 pm: Coffee Break
▪ 4:30 pm --- 5:30 pm: Research talks in 575 McCone Hall
- 4:30pm-4:50pm: Tidal Triggering as an Indicator of a Critically Stressed Environment (Maya Tolstoy) Download slides
- 4:50pm-5:00pm: Discussion
- 5:00pm-5:20pm: Heat flow in volcanic arcs (Michael Manga) Download slides
- 5:20pm-5:30pm: Discussion
▪ 5:30-8:30pm: Clark Kerr Group Dinner (map)
Friday, July 14
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 4:00 pm --- 4:30 pm: Coffee Break on 5th floor balcony, McCone Hall
▪ 4:30 pm --- 5:30 pm: Research talks in 575 McCone Hall
- 4:30pm-4:50pm: The quench control of water estimates in convergent margin magmas (Mike Krawczynski) Download slides
- 4:50pm-5:00pm: Discussion
- 5:00pm-5:20pm: Toward a Three-dimensional Subduction System Framework (Margarete Jadamec) Download slides
- 5:20pm-5:30pm: Discussion
Monday, July 17
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 4:00 pm --- 4:30 pm: Coffee Break on 5th floor balcony, McCone Hall
▪ 4:30 pm --- 5:30 pm: Update on Research group activities
Tuesday, July 18
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 4:00 pm --- 4:30 pm: Coffee Break on 5th floor balcony, McCone Hall
▪ 4:30 pm --- 5:30 pm: Research talks in 575 McCone Hall
- 4:30pm-4:50pm: A new view of mantle f02 (Glen Gaetani) Download slides
- 4:50pm-5:00pm: Discussion
- 5:00pm-5:20pm: TBD (Melodie French) Download slides
- 5:20pm-5:30pm: Discussion
▪ 5:30-8:30pm: Alumni House Patio Barbecue (map)
Wednesday, July 19
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 4:00 pm --- 4:30 pm: Coffee Break on 5th floor balcony, McCone Hall
▪ 4:30 pm --- 5:30 pm: Research talks in 575 McCone Hall
- 4:30pm-4:50pm: TDB (Keely O'Farrell) Download slides
- 4:50pm-5:00pm: Discussion
- 5:00pm-5:20pm: Timescales in Arc Magmas: From Residence to Rates (Phil Ruprecht) Download slides
- 5:20pm-5:30pm: Discussion
Thursday, July 20
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ 3:45 pm --- 4:15 pm: Coffee Break on 5th floor balcony, McCone Hall
▪ 4:15 pm --- 5:30 pm: Survey (room 365) followed by Research talks (room 575)
- 4:15 pm --- 4:30 pm: CIDER 2017 Survey ** exceptionally in room 365 **
- 4:30pm-4:50pm: Detecting slab structure beneath the Banda Arc from waveform analysis of deep focus earthquakes (Meghan Miller) Download slides
- 4:50pm-5:00pm: Discussion
- 5:00pm-5:20pm: TBD (Bob Stern) Download slides
- 5:20pm-5:30pm: Discussion
▪ 5:30-8:30pm: Women's Faculty Club (map)
Friday, July 21
▪ 9:00 am --- 9:15 am Presentation of NSF by Lina Patino, Director of core programs at NSF/EAR - Download slides
▪ 9:15 --- 12.30 pm : Research group presentations
- 30 mn for each group, 20 mn for presentation and 10 mn for questions
▪ 12:30pm --- 2:00 pm: Lunch at Foothills (map)
▪ afternoon: end of program - groups can continue to meet if they wish to
- return meeting room and office keys to Goldie in room 475.