Annual Report
Our annual report features our research programs in regional and global seismology as well as our network operations and earthquake monitoring efforts.
On the cover
What We Do at the Berkeley Seismology Lab
Director's Report
Mission Statement
By The Numbers
Research Highlights:
The Dynamic History of the Inner Core
Dan Frost
Ridgecrest Earthquake-Cycle Deformation
Kang Wang
Research Glimpses:
Joint Waveform, Deformation and First-Motion Source-Type Moment Tensor Inversion for the September 3, 2017 DPRK Nuclear Test
Rodrigo Chi, Douglas Dreger, Arthur Rodgers, and Avinash Nayak
Rotational Seismometer in the Byerly Vault
Peggy Hellweg and Horst Rademacher
Coupling Distribution and Earthquake Potential Along Xianshuihe Fault
Yuexin Li
From Satellite to Serpentinite: Using Spacwe Geodesy to Determine Mantle Dynamics at the Mendocino Triple Junction
Danielle Lindsay
Finite Source Modeling of Aftershocks
José Magana, Douglas Dreger, and Taka'aki Taira
Making ShakeAlert Faster
Sarina Patel
Steamboat Geyser
Mara Reed
Modeling the Updip Migration of the 2018 Boso Slow Slip Event with Geodesy and Seismicity Observations
Baptiste, Asaf Inbal, Roland Bürgmann, Naoki Uchide, Anne Socquet, Lou Marill, Takanori Matsuzawa, and Takeshi Kimura
Missing Water from the Qiangtang Basin
Chi-Yuen Wang
Induced Seismicity
Guang Zhai
The Growing BSL Seismic Network
Global Growth of Earthquake Early Warning
Thank You Dr. Margaret (Peggy) Hellweg
Awards, Recognitions, and News
Faculty, Postdoctoral Scholars, Students, Operations and Research Staff
Download the annual report
Previous Years

2006-2007: PDF - Parts I-IV(24 MB)
2005-2006: PDF - Parts I-IV (18 MB)
2004-2005: PDF - Parts I-IV (16 MB)
2003-2004: PDF - Parts I-IV (21+ MB)
2002-2003: PDF - Parts I-IV (22+ MB)
2001-2002: PDF - Parts I-IV (22+ MB)