Seminar Schedule

The BSL Seminar regularly takes place Tuesdays at 4:00pm (PST) unless otherwise noted. Seminars will be hybrid with in-person people joining from the BSL Conference Room (220 McCone Hall) and many others joining virtually. Please email Roland Bürgmann ( and Weiqiang Zhu ( to be added to the mailing list to receive the Zoom link.

Spring 2025 Seminars

Name Affiliation Title
January 21 Clifford Thurber University of Wisconsin–Madison Microseismicity Triggered by Geothermal Plant Shutdowns
January 28 2025 Northern California Earthquake Hazards Workshop
February 4 Regina Maass Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies Advancing seismic monitoring and high-resolution passive reflection imaging of Iceland’s crust using large-N arrays
February 11 Chi Yuen Wang UC Berkeley; EPS Earthquake amplified streamflow fluctuation
February 18 James Atterholt USGS, Golden, CO Exploring Tectonic Processes at Fine Scales with Fiber-Measured Earthquake Wavefields
February 25 Felipe Gonzalez UC Berkeley; EPS Peeking Into the Hearts of Planets: the Secrets of Planetary Interiors Unveiled by Atomic Interactions
March 4 Chris Milliner RMS Do Faults Localize as They Mature? Insight From 17 Continental Strike-slip Surface Rupturing Events (Mw > 6.1) Measured Using Optical and Radar Imaging Data
March 11 Ethan Williams UC Santa Cruz Tidal modulation of infragravity wave generation
March 18 Ran Nof The Geological Survey of Israel Truaa: three years of operational experience with Israel's earthquake early warning system
March 25 Spring Break
April 1 Yohai Magen UC San Diego Heat Flow Controls on the Mw7.1 July 6, 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Postseismic Deformation and Afterslip Constrained by Sentinel-1 Burst Overlap Interferometry
April 8 Mike Thorne University of Utah PKP precursors, debris covered glaciers, and the Great Salt Lake
April 15 No Seminar - SSA Meeting
April 22 Georg Dresen GFZ Helmholtz Centre Potsdam Precursory deformation and earthquake nucleation – laboratory results
April 29 Bryan Raimbault Jet Propulsion Laboratory Earthquake Cycle over Hispaniola Island from Space Geodesy
May 6 Doug Dreger Berkeley Seismology Lab Earthquake source scaling from finite source analysis

Fall 2024 Seminars (pdf)

Previous Seminars (pdf)