Seminar Schedule
The BSL Seminar regularly takes place Tuesdays at 4:00pm (PST) unless otherwise noted. Seminars will be hybrid with in-person people joining from the BSL Conference Room (220 McCone Hall) and many others joining virtually. Please email Roland Bürgmann ( and Weiqiang Zhu ( to be added to the mailing list to receive the Zoom link.
Spring 2025 Seminars
Name | Affiliation | Title | |
January 21 | Clifford Thurber | University of Wisconsin–Madison | Microseismicity Triggered by Geothermal Plant Shutdowns |
January 28 | 2025 Northern California Earthquake Hazards Workshop | | |
February 4 | Regina Maass | Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies | Advancing seismic monitoring and high-resolution passive reflection imaging of Iceland’s crust using large-N arrays |
February 11 | Chi Yuen Wang | UC Berkeley; EPS | Earthquake amplified streamflow fluctuation |
February 18 | James Atterholt | USGS, Golden, CO | Exploring Tectonic Processes at Fine Scales with Fiber-Measured Earthquake Wavefields |
February 25 | Felipe Gonzalez | UC Berkeley; EPS | Peeking Into the Hearts of Planets: the Secrets of Planetary Interiors Unveiled by Atomic Interactions |
March 4 | Chris Milliner | RMS | Do Faults Localize as They Mature? Insight From 17 Continental Strike-slip Surface Rupturing Events (Mw > 6.1) Measured Using Optical and Radar Imaging Data |
March 11 | Ethan Williams | UC Santa Cruz | Tidal modulation of infragravity wave generation |
March 18 | Ran Nof | The Geological Survey of Israel | Truaa: three years of operational experience with Israel's earthquake early warning system |
March 25 | Spring Break | ||
April 1 | Yohai Magen | UC San Diego | Heat Flow Controls on the Mw7.1 July 6, 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Postseismic Deformation and Afterslip Constrained by Sentinel-1 Burst Overlap Interferometry |
April 8 | Mike Thorne | University of Utah | PKP precursors, debris covered glaciers, and the Great Salt Lake |
April 15 | No Seminar - SSA Meeting | ||
April 22 | Georg Dresen | GFZ Helmholtz Centre Potsdam | Precursory deformation and earthquake nucleation – laboratory results |
April 29 | Bryan Raimbault | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | Earthquake Cycle over Hispaniola Island from Space Geodesy |
May 6 | Doug Dreger | Berkeley Seismology Lab | Earthquake source scaling from finite source analysis |