Seminar Schedule
The BSL Seminar regularly takes place Tuesdays at 4:00pm (PST) unless otherwise noted. Seminars will be hybrid with in-person people joining from the BSL Conference Room (220 McCone Hall) and many others joining virtually. Please email Roland Bürgmann ( and Weiqiang Zhu ( to be added to the mailing list to receive the Zoom link.
Fall 2024 Seminars
Name | Affiliation | Title | |
September 3 | Donna Shillington | Northern Arizona University | Multiple physical factors control megathrust slip behavior in the Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone |
September 10 | Louisa Barama | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Local and Regional Coda Calibration for Seismic Source Characterization and Mw Determinations |
September 17 | Clara Yoon | United States Geological Survey | Deep-learning enhanced earthquake catalogs: research and monitoring applications |
September 24 | Jonathan Wolf | UC Berkeley | Automated, global analyses of deep Earth structure from a massive dataset: Preliminary results, data products, and ways forward |
October 1 | Theresa Sawi | United States Geological Survey | Assessing Distributed Acoustic Sensing and Borehole Strain Meter Waveform Statistics for Improving Earthquake Early Warning |
October 8 | Will Steinhardt | UC Santa Cruz | Precursory Locking Precedes Slip Events on Laboratory Fault |
October 15 | Voon Hui Lai | Australian National University | High-resolution imaging of the Alpine Fault |
October 22 | Bob B. Smith | University of Utah | Yellowstone Hotspot Geodynamics and Seismic Imaging: A Mantle Conduit Of Rising Partial Melt that Fuels Yellowstone's Volcano, Earthquake and Hydrothermal Systems |
October 29 | Yan Yang | UC San Diego | Hydrological Monitoring with Fiber-Optic Sensing |
November 5 | Jannes Munchmeyer | MIT/ISTerre Grenoble | The peculiar spectrum of slow-to-fast earthquakes around the Copiapó ridge, Northern Chile |
November 12 | Katherine Guns | United States Geological Survey | Constraining Earthquake Hypocentral Depth of Moderate Magnitude Earthquakes in the Continental US using Sentinel-1 InSAR Stacking |
November 19 | Margaret Glasglow | United States Geological Survey | How induced seismicity in the Central U.S. informs our understanding of faults and earthquakes |
November 26 | Anna Jegen | GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel | Exploring the complex dynamics of the Rodriguez Triple Junction: Insights from new seismological data |
December 3 | Norman A. Abrahamson | UC Berkeley | TBA |