Geophysical Networks

The BSL operates a variety of seismic sensors and other geophysical instrumentation in a range of different types of installations. Broadband stong motion stations have high dynamic range and are used for earthquake early warning. Broadband seismometers are often collocated with strong-motion accelerometers in installations at or near the earth's surface. In our geophone stations, seismic sensors are deployed in boreholes below the earth's surface to reduce noise. We also operate a network of permanent, continuously telemetered high-resolution GNSS stations. At many of our sites, strong motion only geophysical sensors are monitored to improve our understanding of the earth. Closed stations are no longer recording data.

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Berkeley Digital Seismic Network

The BDSN is an array of high dynamic range, broadband seismometers with collocated strong-motion accelerometers in northern and central California. BDSN Overview...


Northern Hayward Fault Network

The BSL operates a number of stations in the Bay Area with seismic and other geophysical sensors in boreholes. They are tools for observing tiny earthquakes and other deformation signals that may hint of incipient seismic movements. If the instruments were installed near the surface, civilization noise (vibrations from vehicles and other human sources) would overshadow the tiny signals that we wish to study. The funding for these stations comes from a variety of sources. NHFN Overview...

Parkfield High-Resolution Seismic Network

Located in Parkfield, California, the HRSN is a small network of closely spaced 3-component geophone sensors. HRSN Overview...


Bay Area Regional Deformation Network

BARD is a network of 40 continuously operating Global Navigation Satellite System receivers in Northern California. The primary goal of the network is to monitor crustal deformation across the Pacific-North America plate boundary and in the San Francisco Bay Area for earthquake hazard reduction studies and rapid earthquake emergency response assessment. BARD Overview...