Meet BSL Postdocs
Amy Williamson
Amy's research focuses on characterizing the seismic and tsunami hazard from offshore earthquakes. Her current work focuses on improving rapid offshore earthquake locations for use in ShakeAlert.
Utpal Kumar
Utpal's work focuses on developing a 3D elastic model of the deep structure beneath the Yellowstone hotspot using an approach called "box tomography". His primary interests include computational seismology and geodesy, but he is also interested in geospatial big data, machine learning, and cloud computing analyses.
Li-Wei Chen
Li-Wei's research focuses on imaging Earth's internal structure and developing methodology for accelerating full-waveform tomography. He currently works on analysis of the low-frequency seismic signals using ocean-bottom distributed acoustic sensing (DAS). Also, he is interested in seismic anisotropy from near-surface to the bottom of Earth's lower mantle.
Dorian Soergel
Dorian's work focuses on mantle tomography. He is also interested in seismic tomography and ambient noise.