ERA Outreach
The synergy between business, industry, academia, and the public provided by the Earthquake Research Affiliates program propels not only research and development success, but also enhances public safety. The BSL is involved with many public education and hazard mitigation projects around the state.

The Great California ShakeOut is a day of special events featuring the largest earthquake drill ever, organized to inspire Californians to get ready for big earthquakes and to prevent disasters from becoming catastrophes. The ShakeOut drill will occur in houses, businesses, and public spaces alike throughout California on October 19. Participants will receive information on how to prepare for the inevitable major earthquake in the region and what actions to take during and after the shaking. Free registration at

The Earthquake Safety Implementation Program is a thirty-year initiative resulting from the analysis put forward by the Community Action Plan for Seismic Safety (CAPSS). The goal is to reduce San Francisco’s most significant earthquake impacts through retrofitting, sheltering ‘in place’, and maintaining privately-run community services post quake. Bringing private businesses, government bodies, and the citizenry together, CAPSS aims to assure clarity in planning and regulations, bolster public confidence, and facilitate community restoration. For more information, please visit