BKS - Byerly Seismographic Vault, Berkeley, CA, USA

We operate broadband and borehole stations under the network code BK. The Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (BDSN) is a regional network of very broadband and strong motion seismic stations designed to monitor regional seismic activity as well as provide high quality data. The Berkeley borehole stations have borehole geophones or other seismic sensors and may have other geophysical instrumentation.

Station Name BKS
In Operation 1987/05/05 00:00:00 - Present
Latitude 37.88
Longitude: -122.24
Elevation: 243.9 meters
Instrumentation Broadband


Site is located in Strawberry Canyon, just east of the UC Berkeley campus, in an installation known as Byerly Seismographic Vault. The vault was constructed in 1962 in order to relocate instruments from Haviland Hall (station BRK), as "cultural" noise levels were growing in amplitude. The first digital broadband instrumentation was installed in 1988.

In addition to the UC Berkeley instrumentation, this vault is home to USGS tiltmeters and a UREDAS system. This site is frequently used for instrument testing and calibration.


Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (BK)


Miocene Claremont cherts and shales

Borehole Conditions

The instruments are sited in the Byerly Seismographic Vault in Strawberry Canyon. The vault is a 105 foot adit dug horizontally at a NW azimuth into the side of a hill. The piers are constructed of reinforced concrete in the rear of the vault and are not isolated from floor and walls. The vault is thermally stable and a ventilating/dehumidifying system is connected to all rooms. There are three interior doors leading to the room housing the seismometers. The seismometers are thermally insulated with 4 inches of polyurethane foam.

Station Pictures

Entrance to Byerly adit

Entrance to Byerly adit

Typical STS-1 installation

Typical STS-1 installation

Table of Seismic Instrumentation

SensorDataloggerSEED ChannelsLocation
BroadbandStreckeisen STS-1/E300 VBB Feedback Horizontal SeismometerQ330HR-GFEBH?,HH?,LH?,VH?00
Streckeisen STS-1/E300 VBB Feedback Vertical SeismometerQ330HR-GFEBH?,HH?,LH?,VH?00
AccelerometerKinemetrics FBA ES-T Accel. GFE (4 g max 5 v/g)Q330HR-GFEHN?00
Setra Systems Model 270 BarometerQ330HR-GFELD?EP

Waveforms and associated metadata are available at the Northern California Earthquake Data Center (NCEDC).

Waveform Data