DANT - Paynes Creek, CA, USA

We operate broadband and borehole stations under the network code BK. The Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (BDSN) is a regional network of very broadband and strong motion seismic stations designed to monitor regional seismic activity as well as provide high quality data. The Berkeley borehole stations have borehole geophones or other seismic sensors and may have other geophysical instrumentation.

Station Name DANT
In Operation 2016/11/18 12:00:00 - 2024/06/27 17:40:00
Elevation: 967.0 meters
Instrumentation Broadband


Site was located on private property near Dantuma Place, CA

This station was installed in October 2012 by USArray personnel as part of the Earthscope Travelling Array Cascadia Initiative funded through the National Science Foundation with money from the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act. When the Cascadia Initiative project ended 2016, the BSL adopted this station. It operated as a BDSN station from November 2016 to June 2024.


Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (BK)


Tertiary pyroclastic and mudflow deposits

Borehole Conditions

The DANT installation was based on the USArray vault design.

Station Pictures

Outside of the vault at DANT

Outside of the vault at DANT

Solar panels at DANT

Solar panels at DANT

Table of Seismic Instrumentation

SensorDataloggerSEED ChannelsLocation
BroadbandREF TEK 151B-120 USGSQ330S+ USGSBH?,HH?,LH?,VH?00
AccelerometerKinemetrics FBA ES-T Accel. USGS (4 g max 5 v/g)Q330S+ USGSHN?,LN?00
AuxiliaryAntennaCurrentQ330S+ USGSVE?00
ClockLockLossQ330S+ USGSLC?00
ClockPhaseQ330S+ USGSLC?00
ClockQualityQ330S+ USGSLC?00
InputVoltageQ330S+ USGSVE?00
MotherBoardVoltageQ330S+ USGSVA?00
SystemCurrentQ330S+ USGSVE?00
SystemTemperatureQ330S+ USGSVK?00
VCOValueQ330S+ USGSVC?00

Waveforms and associated metadata are available at the Northern California Earthquake Data Center (NCEDC).

Waveform Data