MNRC - McLaughlin Natural Reserve

We operate broadband and borehole stations under the network code BK. The Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (BDSN) is a regional network of very broadband and strong motion seismic stations designed to monitor regional seismic activity as well as provide high quality data. The Berkeley borehole stations have borehole geophones or other seismic sensors and may have other geophysical instrumentation.

BARD is our GPS network for monitoring crustal deformation across the Pacific-North America plate boundary and in the San Francisco Bay Area for earthquake hazard reduction studies and rapid earthquake emergency response assessment

Station Name MNRC (MCLM)
In Operation 2003/06/19 15:00:00 - Present
Latitude 38.88
Longitude: -122.44
Elevation: 703.5652 meters
Instrumentation Broadband


The MNRC site is on property owned and formerly operated by Homestake Mining Company as a surface gold mine. The geology of the area is extremely varied and complex. With the conclusion of mining operations, the property will be managed by UC Davis as the McLaughlin Reserve (part of the University of California Natural Reserve System. The seismographic vault is the first new research project on the reserve. The site is located approximately 20 kilometers east of the town of Lower Lake, California in an area of Franciscan sandstone.

Support for MNRC was provided by the Governor's Office of Emergency Services as part of the California Integrated Seismic Network.


Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (BK)
Bay Area Regional Deformation Network (BARD)


Lower Cretaceous sandstone, shale, and conglomerate.

Borehole Conditions

The MNRC installation is based on the USArray vault design.

GPS Monument Description


Seismic Station Pictures

GPS Station Daily Timeseries

GPS Station Pictures





Table of Seismic Instrumentation

SensorDataloggerSEED ChannelsLocation
BroadbandStreckeisen STS-7 SeismometerQ330HRSBH?,HH?,LH?,VH?00
AccelerometerKinemetrics ES-TQ330HRSHN?00
SensorDataloggerSEED ChannelsLocation

GPS Instrumentation


Waveforms and associated metadata, and GPS data, are available at the Northern California Earthquake Data Center (NCEDC).

Waveform Data

GPS Data

Noise Analysis

View more noise plots

GPS Data Quality


Data completeness is defined both as "Completeness of observations" and "Cycle slips per observation". "Completeness of Obs." is the number of epochs in the final RINEX file normalized to the expected number. This percentage will go down if time is missing from the RINEX file. "Cycle slips per Obs." is the total number of detected cycle slip normalized to the total number of observations in the RINEX file. This number will increase as the receiver loses lock on satellites more frequently.

Previous Year
MCLM completeness last year
MCLM completeness lifetime


The effects of multipath on the data are estimated by parameters for L1 and L2 (MP1 and MP2 respectively); see Estey and Meertens (GPS Solutions, 1999) for derivation. The daily value is the RMS of MP1 and MP2 throughout the day and for all satellites. Higher values indicate a greater prevalence and/or strength of multipathing, i.e. objects on the ground are providing multiple reflection pathways from the satellite to antenna.

Previous Year
MCLM multipath last year
MCLM multipath lifetime

Signal-to-Noise Ratio

The Signal-to-Noise ratios are the mean values above the QC elevation mask for L1 and L2 respectively.

Previous Year
MCLM SNR last year
MCLM SNR lifetime