STAN - Stanford, CA, USA

We operate broadband and borehole stations under the network code BK. The Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (BDSN) is a regional network of very broadband and strong motion seismic stations designed to monitor regional seismic activity as well as provide high quality data. The Berkeley borehole stations have borehole geophones or other seismic sensors and may have other geophysical instrumentation.

Station Name STAN
In Operation 1991/08/20 00:20:00 - 1994/06/30 15:06:00
Latitude 37.4
Longitude: -122.18
Elevation: 125.5 meters
Instrumentation Broadband


STAN was located near the big dish at Stanford University, and established in cooperation with the School of Earth Sciences

This location was found to be noisy, both due to wind and to traffic on Highway 280 and the site was closed in July 1994. The instrumentation was relocated to JRSC, on the Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve.


Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (BK)



Borehole Conditions

The instruments are sited at the northeast corner of a single-story, wood-frame building located on a ridge. The pier is the poured-concrete floor, and all the support equipment is located adjacent to the seismometers.

Station Pictures

View of the Stanford big dish<br>Courtesy of the Radio Science Group

View of the Stanford big dish
Courtesy of the Radio Science Group

Typical STS-2 installation

Typical STS-2 installation

Table of Seismic Instrumentation

SensorDataloggerSEED ChannelsLocation
BroadbandStreckeisen STS-2 VBB Tri-Axial SeismometerQ680BH?,HH?,LH?,UH?,VH?
AccelerometerKinemetrics FBA-23 Accel. (2 g max 1.25 v/g)Q680BL?,HL?,LL?

Waveforms and associated metadata are available at the Northern California Earthquake Data Center (NCEDC).

Waveform Data