USAL - Usal Creek near Garberville, CA, USA

We operate broadband and borehole stations under the network code BK. The Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (BDSN) is a regional network of very broadband and strong motion seismic stations designed to monitor regional seismic activity as well as provide high quality data. The Berkeley borehole stations have borehole geophones or other seismic sensors and may have other geophysical instrumentation.

Station Name USAL
In Operation 2024/03/21 23:20:00 - Present
Latitude 39.88
Longitude: -123.82
Elevation: 560.68 meters
Instrumentation Broadband


Site is located at Usal Creek near Garberville, CA


Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (BK)


Marine sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks

Borehole Conditions

The USAL installation is based on the USArray vault design.

Station Pictures

Table of Seismic Instrumentation

SensorDataloggerSEED ChannelsLocation
AccelerometerEPISENSOR ES-TQ8HN?,LN?00

Waveforms and associated metadata are available at the Northern California Earthquake Data Center (NCEDC).

Waveform Data